Saturday, January 14, 2012

Reality... Is a bitch!

Reality, my friends is a bitch. She's sort of like that frenemy we all had in high school. You know the one... The one that smiles as you pass her in the hall while she causally sticks her foot out so you can trip and fall on your face! Sometimes you pass her by without faltering and then sometimes you take a nose dive! Well I took a nose dive some months ago. Yep, that bitch came up and slapped me right in the face. She made no apologies with. I've been trying to ignore it but that is becoming a very dangerous game. You see, some months ago I had what they call a "mini" stroke. Odd thing to call it right? The thing about "mini" strokes are that eventually they all lead to a great big one! Trust me no one wants that! Now for a while I was all " poor pitiful me", but then that bitch slapped me! I had done this to myself, without cause or reason. At 34 I was a whopping 322 pounds. I had eaten myself into a personal prison. Now I was that person. The one who knew she was overweight but hadn't really admitted that there was a serious problem. I would say, " I really don't eat that much". Truth is I was lying to myself. My friends that is the absolute worst thing that you can do. DON'T LIE to yourself. 322 POUNDS! By the way, I am 5'6". My frame was not made to support that kind of weight. I would even watch "The Biggest Loser",while eating whatever forbidden food I could find and dream of being on that show. Each and every challenge would inspire me! Inspire me to keep on watching while I kept on eating! Hey, at least I had some longing to change. I just had not made my mind up yet. The clock was ticking relentlessly. Fall came, then Christmas... Still no changes. Then suddenly I began to think of my Dad. He died when he was 44 due to complications stemmed from diabetes and obesity. He'd had a stroke and congestive heart failure. He was just 10 years older than I am right now. My oldest daughter is just one year older than I was when I lost my Dad! That was it. Bam that bitch hit me again but this time she left a mark! So this is where my journey began. I finally understood how serious this has become. Now let me make this very clear, I don't need to be skinny. I just want to be healthy- mind, body, and soul. So as I travel my journey I want to document it. All of it- the ups, the downs, the triumphs, a d the failures. So I hope you'll join me. I assure you it will be entertaining at the least!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you!!!!!! Can't wait to read more! Keep on your journey and understand it is NEVER easy. But it is possible. And eventually it becomes part of who you are.
